
Brigadoon! *

Happy leap year day! I don't know how others feel about the 29th of February. Maybe nobody really notices it except for us NERDS...I've always wondered about people who were born on this day...whether they think it is cool or a complete rip off...

For me, today reminds me of my dad and our shared interest in time, and time travel.

I love the way my father explains things. He has the wonderful ability to take even the most complicated subject and explain it (at least to me) in a way that not only makes perfect sense, but funny and memorable.

I had the great idea of making it a family tradition to do something wild and absolutely out of the ordinary for Leap Day.... Mason thought it was a great idea too. But neither of us could come up with something that would have been fun for both boys and unique enough to call it special. Plus Mason is still gone.

Maybe when the boys are older and we all are bogged down in routines we will resurrect the idea of Leap Day Fun.... take the day off from work and school, got to an unknown restaurant in a part of town (or a completelydifferent down) go see a live show, build something, create something .... DO something....maybe we'll even call it the official RHK Leap Day of Fun!

* = This is a Scottish fantasy about a town that disappears into the Highland mist and returns for only one day every one hundred years

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