Good ol' Steve. Anyone and everyone who ever knew Braden for the past 4 years knew Steve. He was included in photos and even had a few pictures drawn of him now and again.
Steve. Braden's constant companion. He has been everywhere with us. Quietly supporting Braden.
His wonderful lovey that HE named for the lead character in Blues Clues. ("Stee... Stee...." he would say)
But life changed on the evening of January 15th 2008. The day before, we had just returned home from a 10 day visit to St Louis. Braden had been given many gifts on this trip, but ONE stood out from the crowd. A stuffed Scooby-Doo toy that Grandma had given him. He attached to it immediately, taking Scooby everywhere.
I had an idea. Remembering that the best time to change a habit or routine or start something new is when you return from a trip. 1) because of the developmental leaps a child has when exposed to other people and different surroundings and 2) I feel that the normal routine is so 'off' anyway that changing things up won't be as dramatic as it normally would.
I set my plan into motion that night. We brushed teeth, washed hands and face, went potty , read books and then jumped right into bed. I talked up Scooby the whole time. We said prayers, I turned the light off and walked out the door. NO STEVE! He didn’t even ask for him.
A few nights later Braden inquires as to Steve’s whereabouts. I say something dismissive like “I don’t know honey... we haven’t finished unpacking...” which satisfied him. A week went by and one more time Braden asked again.... and then................................nothing..............
3 weeks into all of this Braden got out his photo album with a bunch of pictures of the family. Half way through my heart stopped.... there it was a picture of him and Steve... I panicked for a bit wondering what was going to transpire...... “Look Mamma.... Steve”...... he smiles and turns the page.
And with that... it’s all over.

First known picture of Steve in late spring of 2004

Last picture taken of Braden and Steve June of 2007
The many photos of Steve!
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