

Finally I have been tagged. I have never been tagged before... I hope I can live up to the hype! BTW - Thanks Jen!

8 things I'm passionate about:
1. My Kids - duh! All at the same time I feel such a responsibility towards them and thoroughly enjoy spending time with them.
2. My Friends - they are my lifeline family and support.
3. Being educated everyday -understanding our world - what makes us all tick- understanding history.
4. Animal and environmental rights - some one once said that the best judge of a civilization/society is how they treat the less fortunate... I think this extends to those entities that really have "no voice"
5. Nutrition and food - understanding the link of total health and what we shove in our mouths. Making sure my children and instilled with better eating habits than I was.
6. being the best ME I can be. I hope that each year I grow and change and mature ...
7. My Computer - silly I know... but hey I've got to be honest
8. Music.... it totally surrounds me, defines me, and explains me

8 things I want to do before I die:
1. Travel to Italy, back to France, Japan and China, Australia and New Zealand and when and if it ever gets safe Morocco and Egypt... oh and of course Tibet! Maybe India....
2. start my own personal organization business... if I can only come up with a name....
3. buy a beach house on the coast of Maine – and visit each summer
4. watch my children grow up and achieve their dreams
5. live in a totally eco friendly sustainable home
6. have a flat (or at least moderately flat) tummy
7. assist in a live birth that is not my own – but where I am not incharge (no side of the road emergencies please)
8. come to terms and be at peace with my life and my death

8 things I say often:
1. Dude
2. Come talk to me where I can see your face (to Braden when he is mumbling to me in the next room)
3. go lie down ( to the dogs)
4. what time are you coming home? (to Mason)
5. how big is Tristan? SO big! / Peek a Boo (tied)
6. God Bless
7. What are you thinking about (to Mason)
8. Do we have to loose a privilege? (when B is making a bad choice)

8 artists I never tire of listening to:
1. Beastie Boys
2. Joni Mitchell
3. Madonna
4. Moby
5. U2
6. Beatles
7. Cyndi Lauper Annie Lennox Alanis Morissette Enya (tied)
8. White Stripes

8 TV shows you love:
1. Psych
2. The Office
3. Seinfeld
4. Classic Simpsons (season 2-6)
5. Law and Order
6. The Golden Girls The Cosby Show (tied)
7. My So Called Life
8. any show with dancing

8 things that attract me to my friends:
1. They can hold their own ground
2. They are patient
3. They are funny – humorous too !
4. They “get” me
5. They think I am funny
6. They educate me
7. They don’t let me take myself too seriously
8. They are fun to be with...

8 Things I learned in 2007:
1. every baby is different
2. there is a reason we don’t live with our parents after we are all grown up
3. you can make it through anything with good friends and a supportive family (like, let’s say – your husband being gone for 8 months)
4. Take that vacation – figure out how to pay for it later
5. no one really cares how often you scrub your floor
6. I do have a voice! (thanks blog)
7. I really really really don’t like fire ants
8. I don’t have to be in charge!

I tag Tasha!

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