This is the first day of Hanukkah.
I can distinctly remember being sad for my Jewish friends in college. While all of us were struggling though finals, and exams; they did not have the luxury of knowing that they were going to be able to be home with their family for the holidays (like I did). They were having to work and study and take tests DURING their Holiday, SEPARATED from their families. It seemed so unfair.
I now know that Hanukkah is not the biggest or most Holy of the Jewish holidays. It just happens to be the most well known because of its proximity on the calender to Christmas. But nonetheless (it could be argued that Easter is really the more import of holidays in the Christian faith) - - it is an important and beautiful holiday and I am sure my friends would have much rather been at home celebrating than separated from their love ones and traditions.
Anyway...... Have a Happy Hanukkah! L'chai-im!
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