It went ... marginal (at best).
The first problem arose when I was shopping for fabric. If I had been shopping for wrapping paper or a bag it would have taken 5 seconds, because I knew it wasn't permanent. But the whole purpose of the fabric was to BE permanent... so I started to freak out about how 'cute' the fabric patterns had to be. Finally (after many trips to the store and much hemming and hawing) I picked out some brightly colored stuff with matching ribbon.
Next problem. In order to wrap the gifts properly it was going to require that I cut the fabric. Which panicked me even more. Because not only did I have to commit to my fabric color/style choice.... NOW I have to CUT the fabric... forever altering it for future use.
Moving right along... to the bows. This fell to pieces too. I had an article from a craft magazine that gave step by step directions on how to make bows. What it failed to mention was HOW MUCH ribbon you needed for each piece.... as you can imagine I did not have enough.
So there I am trying all sorts of ways of folding, layers and poofing the fabric, tying and retying... cursing, and more cursing at the ribbon. And at the 11th hour I throw the whole mess together and lay them on the fireplace.
The final result, however... was just what I had hoped for. Braden was the official un-wrapper and paid no attention whatsoever at the difference in my gifts over any of the others laid out. He tore into them with equal vigor, thrusting each towards his brother as he moved on to the next.
I am going to revamp my vision for the upcoming Christmas event... and will keep you all posted on my progress/outcome.
On a side note: my paper Chinese lanterns (hey Tash is this offensive? not sure) that I used in lieu of balloons were a big hit! I did not get any pictures of them, or of the packages. My dad did however get a shot of T with some of my presents behind him. It's good for a laugh (and the boy is pretty cute too!)
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