I am SO GLAD Daylight Saving Time is over... Things in the house are markedly different. Tristan is sleeping perfectly, Braden doesn't put up a fight when its time to go to bed and I am much happier being up with the sun.
I have been reading about DLS since I did not know that much about it. I learned that before the advent of the 'railroad', time was a local matter. Either dictated by the sun or a predominant local clock tower. It wasn't until the 1880s that US and Canada had adopted the British system of Standard Time. And it took good many more years for actual real people to start using standard time in everyday living.
I also learned that Time Zone boundaries and DLS have been changed/altered/moved on and off over the past 100 years.
Apparently the idea of how to handle DLS changes every 25 years or so too. After WWI , the law proved so unpopular (mostly because people rose earlier and went to bed earlier than people do today) that it was repealed and Daylight Saving Time became a local option.
And the argument continued. Every time someone would come up with a new law regarding DLS there would be a slew of people for and against it. Indoor theater companies vs outdoor theater companies..... farmers vs merchants.... and so on and so forth. It got so bad that at one point different towns within the same state had different times.
So in 1966 Congress implemented the Uniform Time Act to end the confusion.
- This ends my report on DLS time!
I guess my point is that I am not alone in disliking the current model and apparently it won't stay like this forever. In another 20 years some new hotshot law talkin' guy or gal will get some idea stuck in their craw and think that they have solved the problem for everyone.
And won't that just be great!
P.S. I also learned that it is daylight saving time NO S!
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