
just a thought

Okay - so whatcha gonna do with all that candy that your precious little one came home with last night?

I have been thinking about this all year, since last Halloween when I discovered the Halloween Fairy... I liked the idea of it on the surface, but then rejected the idea since I didn't want to have yet one more fairy/elf/bunny that is NOT real pretending to be real. So all year I have been trying to come up with a plan... a plan to get rid of this candy. Its November 1st and I still have nothing... that is until Braden brought up "the Great Pumpkin".

Each year we watch It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown on DVD multiple times. Everyone one in the family pretty much digs it...

Today at lunch Braden started asking me about Linus and the Great Pumpkin and how he is supposed to bring gifts to all the girls and boys.... while he was talking it hit me - the great pumpkin has already been firmly entrenched in Braden's head... if I can only use that some how to help .... if the Great Pumpkin giveth, can he also taketh away? Also, we don't have a pumpkin patch... let alone the most sincere pumpkin patch... so that is no help....

Braden knows the great pumpkin is pretend... (just like Santa) but maybe I can still work it somehow.... I will have to keep you posted.....

any suggestions?

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