
the pressure of a name - someone we know

I am starting to get overwhelmed with my facebook account....in a good way. For each friend I find I find a few more friends of mine through that first friend....
Camp friends, school friends, hometown friends... the list goes on and on. I recently found a friend whom I had not set eyes on in over 19 years. What do you say? On one hand there is so much to say and on the other I have nothing really to share with this person who I use to know for a few years when I was a kid.

That notion leads me to my next issue... what exactly is a "friend".... I see many names on those lists of people I 'knew' in high school.... but we weren't friends... are we friends now... are we just facebook friends? And then I have a few people on my list that I have never even met.... blog friends... I call them my friends but I have never even heard their voice.

It is too much pressure for me. What if I invite them to be my friend but they never accept .... it's like being rejected all over again. Are other people seeing me on a mutual friend list and thinking the same thing... 'OH that girl....ahhhh ... I don't want anything to do with her!'

Does having my husband and parents on my facebook list count? Aren't they sort of gimmes?

It was cool when I had 20 friends... people I am actually day to day friends with in real life. It was neat to see what they were doing on a daily basis... but as I add more people I am starting to get overwhelmed with information ... Jane's mom is in town, Sara's kids are sick, Sue is on a trip blah blah blah...

I don't have time to really learn facebook either. I don't understand why people keep sending me hugs, and drinks and flowerpots for a better future or whatever...I am starting to get overloaded. I think I need facebook for dummies or something like that.

I can feel my credentials as computer nerd expiring as I type!


Anonymous said...

I feel you on the friends thing. When I first joined Myspace, I had a girl I used to be best friends with in middle school request to be my friend. I accepted and sent her a short little "friendly" email mentioning one of our inside jokes. She never responded, and I ended up feeling like a dork.

Anonymous said...

I know you want to hear my voice ;o)

And we send you hugs, drinks and flowerpots for fun .. something to say we're thinking of ya :o)

The Walters' Family said...

I'm wondering the same thing. What do you say to the friend who you haven't spoke to in 10 years...check out my blog? I don't know. Then the whole # of friends bugs me. My sister-in-law has like 1,500+ friends on her Facebook account. I have like 100 now...so does that mean I'm a real loser? LOL Could I even keep up with 1,500+ friends. Then today I got a "confirm as a friend" name of someone who dated my cousin and broke her heart. Do I message him and say, "Oh, by the way I've been meaning to tell you how upset that made me when you..." When it happened 15 years ago. I just clicked, "Yes." Crazy...

Anonymous said...

I'm not who I was in high school, and somehow I doubt they are either. I'm finding I have a lot in common with people I barely spoke to back then. BUt I fell you on the issue of what to say to someone when it's been 19 years. I usually stick with "Hi, how's life. Good to "see" you here." Then the ball is in their court.

As for the flowers, I send those becasue I can't roll by in the van and chat with ya anymore, lovely. And I'm gonan send them. Often! So just deal with my love! ;)