It was a great visit. We had a lot of fun going out (to a kick ass party, the farmers market, the movies, dinner and target) staying in (sitting on the porch drinking beer and cooking out, walking the babies in their double stroller, listening to endless lute and harpsichord playing on NPR) and just catching up with each other.
All my nervous fears were unfounded. We fell right back into that easy always friends feeling. We figured out that we have been friends for 18 years! That is a long time. We are all grown up with kids and careers (well, she has one). So much is different and yet so much remains the same. She laughs the exact same way she always has, the way she pushes her hair behind her ear is the same as when she was 17... and the way she rubs her nose.... hasn't changed a bit.
Her boys were amazing! Such happy babies! Good sleepers for just 5 months old. It was so sweet to be able to hold them as they fell asleep in my arms... and their heads! AH! I love babies heads.... Liz asked me if I missed Tristan and Braden being 5 months old.... and on the first day of my visit I would have said yes... but after 4 days of remembering what it was like (the good and the bad...) I am happy to say that I like my boys the ages they are now! :-)
Awwwww ... look at those chubby legs!! I just wanna smooch on them!!
Bex :o)
I was SO gonna say something about the roly-poly legs. Too cute!
Glad you had such a good visit!
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