
Dead on the Surface, but Screaming Underneath

Lied to
Only small things
You don’t like that song
You don’t like that meal

You hate my shoes
You shake in yours
Leaving me standing on the side of the road
Its my fault
Everything is my fault

You asked twice
And both times I answered yes
What if you asked now?

My foundation is gone
I have been your therapy your rehab
Pay your bill, turn in your key

All my resources have been used up
Drained from me
You took all you could

You are blind to your riches
Mine is a fools gold, an illusion
that I tricked myself to believe

Too busy, too tired, too angry
but un-willing to quit

I have lost myself
Lost my mind

You didn’t know yours was gone
Your search has just begun

Too busy, too tired, too angry
No lessons have been learned

The curtain has been pulled back
The magician revealed his trick
I can't believe any more

1 comment:

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

Oh, Julia.

There are no words.

Post when you can.