
More JFK

Almost exactly one year since my pilgrimage to Dealey Plaza there is a new show on the History Channel - The Kennedy Assassination: Beyond Conspiracy. Most of their information was the same as Peter Jennings's 2003 TV Special with one addition; the debunking of Oliver Stone's film JFK (back and to the left).

I was very happy to see this particular issue addressed. So many people now- a-days learn their history from movies and no film did more to mess up facts in the American public's head than this piece of trash. (except maybe Pearl Harbor) Of course without this film we wouldn't have Seinfeld’s "magic loogy" episode which I get a kick out of every time I see it.

But that just further proves my point. You are watching a TV show about a fake movie based on some real events. The truth gets distorted.

And that, it VERY dangerous.


Anonymous said...

only if you were alive then and know
the truth, of the world 1962.

Anonymous said...


JFK was killed in 1963

Anonymous said...

only the players of 1962
know the truth.

Anonymous said...

just remember not one person planned this.

Anonymous said...

This is fascinating stuff!! Have you read "Assassination Vacation" by Sarah Vowell? It's terrific.