We sat down and were handed menus and soon our waiter came over to the table. We ordered some drinks and he left. I leaned over to Mason said " our waiter looks familiar" ... "Yeah, he looks like a friend from pilot training.." "yeah..... um... but that's not what I was thinking."
The evening continued. Our waiter was HILARIOUS! Sharped tongued and silly. An instant connection. Right around desert time I asked " So what was your name again?"
"Rock" he answered....
"Rock?" "Yeah you know, like the bad guy from Better off Dead.... have you seen the movie?"
"Um, sure! The skiing guy! Right, so ... do you ski? Is that how you got that name?"
"No" he explained "John gave it to me during the filming."
Now I am really confused "John who?" I asked
"I thought you said you've seen the movie... the lead, you know, John Cusack... he called me Rock. I played the bad guy in the movie."
Apparently I am as dumb as a box of rocks " You were in the movie????"
"Yeah, I played the bad guy"
" NO WAY!" " Really!?" " You are totally pulling my leg!" Now I am getting excited... I start shaking a little and get butterflies in my stomach. (i am SUCH a dork)
"Yes way" he says laughing and walks off to take care of his other tables.
Mason is just as stunned as I am. Neither of us can figure out if it is a total joke, or for real.
So Aaron (Rock's real name) comes back to our table to bring dessert. And by now I feel WAY weired having this guy SERVE me. "Well, if your famous I got to get a picture with you." He looks at me and smirks "If?" he jokes. (note my ridiculously large smile)
So we take the picture, eat our dessert and start to leave. I pull the manager over to the side to ask our waiters "real" name. Aaron Dozier he says... and YES it's true.
I couldn't wait to get home and check out his story.... turns out he IS the guy..... how way cool is that?

1 comment:
Wow...how quickly a star can fall. Roy Stalin waiting tables? Shocking!
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