I love this nativity. I love it because my mother made it. I love it because I can remember setting it up with her every Christmas and I love it because I can now I can create the memory of it with Braden.
Every piece was wrapped in old paper towels and newspaper to keep them from breaking when they were stored away. Each Christmas when it was time to decorate. My mom would get out the old shoe box and we would sit on the piano bench and take each piece out one by one, unwrapping it and placing it on top of the piano. We made it a game. We would try to guess which piece we were holding before we unwrapped it, and we would always try to get Baby Jesus last.
So for the 2nd time Braden and I sat on our piano bench (same one) and unwrapped each piece and put them on top of the piano. I work on at NOT crying as I arrange the pieces around. I try to explain that "this was Grandma B's when I was little...." but Braden doesn't really understand just yet. My step-mom is Grandma to him ....
Until last year I had kept them wrapped in the same old paper towels and newspaper. I liked touching what she had touched with me..... There is something magical about the nativity.
If there was a fire in the house, THIS would be what I grabbed on the way out.
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