A few months ago my friend Melissa asked me what batteries I used for the kids toys. "Whatever I happen to grab" I answered. "Do NOT use Duracell" she warned... "they don't last AT ALL!!! You should put that on your blog... Duracell sucks."
Right right yeah yeah sure sure sure....
But, you know what? She was right.... I had some copper tops in Braden's remote controlled car... it lasted less than half as long as it normal did with Energizer....
So there you go, one more consumer tip for the upcoming holiday season....
BTW, do they still make rechargeable batteries? I remember we had some when I was a kid. I can even remember the funny looking recharger machine.... wonder whatever happened to that?
They still make rechargeable batteries--that's all we use: for our digital camera, the head-lamp (to read while putting the kids to bed), a radio to go running with, the toy submarine, and a couple other tool-things I can't remember. I think we bought our recharger (for AA and AAA) at Radio Shack.
Energizer do rechargeables .. Walmart would have them .. you can charge them in the car/at home/where ever these days. I use them for my camera.
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