
it's offical....

.... I am old.

Don't argue... I'm old. I know because of two things....

1. I can no longer even swing on a child's swing set without feeling like I am on a roller coaster.


2. I eat grape-nuts for breakfast.

I started to notice that I didn't feel good after breakfast recently. Even though it's the same cereal I have been eating for years. I would feel all jittery and would get hungry again very soon after eating. Long story short... I deduced that it was the sugar and they lack of substance (ie sugar Honey-nut Cheerios.... lack of substance Rice Crispies...) So I moved to grape-nuts... which has solved my problem... but now I am an old codger who eats Grape-Nuts for breakfast...

so sad :-(


Anonymous said...

I'm old too. Shall we start a club? :o(

Anne said...

Grape Nuts are DELICIOUS sprinkled over a little frozen yogurt or ice cream!

lady t said...

I'm more of a Honey Nut Cheerios gal myself-they're tasty and I like the jingle('It's a honey of an o...it's Honey Nut Cheerios!").

Jen said...

I remember my dad always eating grape nuts. I eat them now but it just wouldn't be right to call myself old at the age of 28(soon to be 29). I'm always pleased to find that I'm older than some people because I always feel like the youngest ever...