
I don't think that you do!

Tuesday saw us at the doctors office so we could have a look at Braden's ear since he had been complaining that it hurt. Our appointment time was for 10:30. I arrived about 5 minutes before that. When we sat down in the waiting room I noticed a LARGE group of people still waiting. After awhile I asked the group what time their appointment was. (I was trying to determine how long I really had to wait).

One lady said "10:30"
another stated "10:50"
"we're 10:50 too" a grandma from across the room said

"I am 10:30 too" I responded. I was just happy there wasn't anyone there with a 9:45 appointment time .....

So we waited and waited. And 20 minutes later first lady was called back. Right on I thought... we're next. Then the nurse came out and called out the grandma's name.....

?WHAT? - they had a 10:50? So I got up and went to the reception window.

"Hi, excuse me.... Braden Stewart had a 10:30 with Dr. S and that lady had a 10:50 appointment was called before us."
"Oh, that's because she was here before you." answered the receptionist.
"Yeah, but she had a LATER appointment time... I was here before my scheduled time, and yet she went first."
"Ma'am that is because she was here first."
"Well, what's the point of having assigned appointment times? Why don't I just show up whenever the heck I feel like it? I mean if you are just going to send people in based on when they show up!"
"Braden is next to be called" she responded flatly, and I sat back down to wait... the whole time thinking of that Seinfeld bit (posted below).

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