
Long Overdue

Once again I find myself back-posting... meaning that a long time ago when I thought that I would have to THINK of things to post about I had this idea.... but time slipped away and actual life happened (which I posted about) SO....

You may or may not know by now that I am a movie nerd. If you don't me in person then you have been spared listening to me speak in movie quotes. Mason and I actually can have a quasi conversation with JUST QUOTES.

A few years ago I had my dream job... I worked in a video store. It was before Braden was born and we had LOTS of time on our hands... well, that and no cable. As you can imagine the ONLY perk of the job was free rentals and the ability to see a new release two days ahead of time (so that you can promote it to the customers).

I happened to have this job right around the same time DVDs were worming their way into the mainstream. We had a large VHS clientele were were very resistant to switching over. But that little fact doesn't really matter for this post.

The point is... I learned a lot about DVDs and their formatting, the viewing choices (WS or Full) etc etc.... Which brings me to the point of the post.

In most recent years I have noticed a trend with DVDs. Instead of marketing the theatrical version onto DVD they release the Unrated version instead.

Now this isn't a bad thing all around. For artsy type pieces that have to trimmed down to meet the censor (or as they call it the ratings board) it is an opportunity for the public to be able to experience the film as it was intended to be.

But these films are not what I am talking about....

Most of the popular mainstream films today SUCK... yeah, I said it... the suck. And since I have kids (and a subscription to Blockbuster via the mail) I only go and see a film it is "Big Screen Worthy". For all the other junk I just wait until I can watch it at home... because I am a loser... just not a complete loser... I try to stay up on current pop culture.

But unlike the artsy movies, where a film is made better by the added footage....these junk movies are just made that much longer and usually just more vulgar.... NOT more funny.

But tonight I saw a glimmer of hope, a ray of sunshine... I watched "The Number 23" and when I went to 'watch movie' they gave me a choice between the theatrical version and the unrated version!

A choice! Who would have thunk it! Glory Hallelujah....Now if I could only get my time back from 'the 40 year old virgin' or 'talladega nights BORB'

side note: don't waste your time with 'The Number 23' unless you want to see Jim Carrey totally cut with no shirt on.... not that I noticed or anything.... Yeah, I know.... I have said it before... I GOT ISSUES!

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