
going back home

During my running around today I drove by the old house. The neighborhood looked lush and green from all the rain the past few weeks. Some houses had new 'for sale' signs in the yards - even more houses had large planters full of flowers on their front steps.

No one was home when I rang the bell. Ringing my own bell. I peeked through the glass in the door. No rug in the entrance way - less pictures on the wall. Tristan's room had different curtains that I could see from the outside. The mat said welcome....

I opened the back gate, mainly to check on William's tree. It was full of leaves and all the flowers in his planter were in full bloom.

This was my first trip back since we moved almost 2 months ago... it felt like a lot longer though.

Tristan recognized it.. he kept screaming and pointing 'House! House! House!"

It was good to see her... but I doubt that I will be back.

1 comment:

Lisa (the girls' moma) said...

I'm glad your return trip went well. I drove by my old house in WA once. It wasn't as good of an experience.