
so profound....

I wrote this in the comment section of a friends blog and wanted to share it here. I was responding to a post she wrote about teetering on the edge and feeling like at any minute she was going to fall off into abyss... we all know what that feels like... don't we.... but I wanted to share with her an alternative way of looking at the edge....

The funny thing about 'the edge' is that it only exists in our mind. I mean that when we eventually fall of the the edge we find a whole other flat plane underneath...all of us are in a continuous state of either climbing up from an ledge/edge or shuffling ourselves to the edge or falling off the edge only to land again.The key is to understand this and accept each plane as it is... knowing that we will not be there for long. where you were last year is not where you are now and is not where you will be next year.

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