
2001: a far out trip

Turner Classic Movies is hoasting 31 nights of Oscar... which for us translates into FREE MOVIES!!!! So we have been DVRing a whole bunch of flicks. One of them is 2001: A Space Oddessy. I saw this movie in my highschool film class but didn't remember much about it (except for the 10 minute 'trip' through space - that is a FUNKY experience on the big screen).
So I thought I would watch it again with the hopes that I would "get it" this time around.

Um.... not so much... until Mason turned me on to this site he found: http://www.kubrick2001.com/ it explains - quite well - the point and plot of the movie... which was perfect.

I would have been lost without it. Same goes for Primer and Mulholland Drive... both of which I recommend BTW

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