
LONG weekend

I was all set Saturday afternoon to write about my adventures with Braden at the World of Wheels. He was lying in our bed watching some tv and I sat down at the computer to write while Mason watch some TV in the living room.

Then the hurricane hit. Braden threw-up all over our bed. Mason and I jumped up rushed in. Mason took B to the bathroom and I took the bed clothes off. Half went straight into the wash, the other half got taken out side to be hosed off.... yeah! NICE....

So B is in the bathroom and I am sitting with him... Mason goes to get Tristan up since we hear him talking over the monitor. "Julia, if you can hear this" Mason says to me via the speaker " T puked too".....

And thus began our long weekend of puke, crying and laundry.

This morning as I lay there listening to Mason get ready for work I thought the worst was behind us. Everyone was feeling better, B has school today, the sun was supposed to make an appearance. I was feeling good.

Sometime during my half awake half asleep fog early in the AM I heard Mason feed the dogs and wash some dishes, make coffee and pack a lunch ... and then break something.

Break something? I sat up in bed... hmmmm that is odd. He's not the clumsy one....

Oh well, I guess it was just his coffee mug. No big deal. I am sure he is picking up the pieces now...

6:30am rolls around. B has found his way to my bedside. We are up and headed to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I flip on the light switch and there it was.... and it was NOT a coffee mug.

The whole entire 8x8 GLASS pan of brownies that I had made the night before was on the floor shattered into a million pieces.... the saran wrap lay in a clump near the fridge and bloddy dog paw prints decorated the white floor not one piece of chocolate had been missed in the raid.

Calhoun? He was peacefully asleep on his bed in the corner of our room ....with a cartoon dialogue bubble over his head "If you didn't see ME actually do it, than you can't prove anything!"


Jen said...

Yikes! Did he cut himself? Eat glass? While living in Abilene I caught Izzy chewing on a Christmas light bulb. Had to get her stomach x-rayed and everything...

Yah, we actually spent at least three months with both Emma and Aiden throwing up and diarrhea. It was always in the middle of the night, too. (the throwing up) They both got, oh , what's it called? ...from some river water, anyway. It would come and go. 3 bad days, 5 good days, 4 bad days, 4 good days. Sometimes they were taking turns and sometimes it was all at the same time! Horrible. Even happening once!

Anonymous said...

Ick! I don't envy you the weekend, girl!

Hope calhoun is okay- Dogs and glass and chcolate don't mix!