Everyone is busy.... I am not sure with what... but everywhere I read and everyone I talk to has the busyies...
Although I have so much I want to "write" about .... Today is just a catch all of the 2.2 (as Jessi puts it)....
- Mason is gone again - just briefly - until Friday for some C130 convention in New Hampshire. Good news is that he can visit some family while he's up there.... Bad news is... the more I hear about New England.... the more it makes me miss home! :-(
- Calhoun's spirit has healed much quicker than his knee... which translates into him being VERY upset about being kept in his crate all day everyday. Chloe gets so excited when we take him out to potty or for food that we now have to keep her separated for fear of her jumping on him and hurting his knee. This (of course) just upsets Chloe so she barks continuously from the time Calhoun gets out of his crate until the time he goes back in. Fun!
- Winter is officially here in Abilene. Here winter is cold wet and grey. That's it. No cold with sun, no grey without wet. It's shoot yourself in the head kind of weather.
- Tristan finally has gotten over his 3 month long runny nose.... I am chalking it up to taking him off milk (a tip of the hat to Beth and Tasha for that !)
- In less than one week I got sucked into the Mannatech hype and then read/educated myself out of it. (still feel quite silly though)
- I tried making some money on Ebay by selling Disney Pixar Cars.... I broke even.... hmmm - better luck next time!
- Our outside lights are up and our tree is sitting in its stand drinking some water. Everything else is sitting in our hallway in boxes. I can't recall EVER being this LATE in getting ready for Christmas.
- Feeling generally bad about not writing here everyday... It's not from lack of thoughts and words... but motivation... boo me!
- Christmas cards started coming in the mail! LOVE that.... hate it when I get them handed to me .... not as fun I think!
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