Solstice happens twice a year. For us here in the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice marks the shortest (darkest) day of the year December 21st. People have either feared or celebrated this event since the dawn (no pun intended) of time.
It never occurred to me (until recently) that ancient peoples were frightened by the changing of the seasons. Not understanding the science of Earth, thinking that the sun was a god. Believing that the Earth was flat. Being fearful of evil spirits during winter thinking that their "god" was hiding. Taking personally any harsh weather as punishment from said god. Plus winter ticks people off. No sun, the cold, everyone stuck indoors... what better way to beat the blahs than a party... heck a 12 day long party.
Before the calendar (thanks Julius) humans used the night sky, moon and sun to determine when to mate, harvest and plant. The solstice was a very important part of that 'time keeping'. Knowing how much longer you have to ration out your food and when the weather is going to warm up was a pretty important thing to know.
And even though we understand the science much more today. I feel like we are less in tune with the land (our Earth) than we use to be. There are pages and pages written about solstice. Now-a- days people talk about it in terms of science and astronomy. Learning about the tilt of the earth, our distance from the sun and how that effects both the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
And yet, so much of what we do and celebrate stems from our ancestors and their customs. Today we celebrate stuff just for the celebration, without really understanding the WHY... Why do we drag pine trees into our houses. What in the world is wassailing, what do you mean it is not "old man time?" No thank you... I don't want any Yule... I am trying to lose weight!
I like the idea of being able to celebrate Earth. Her changing seasons. Being reassured that spring will eventually come. To be grateful for what I have. To see beauty in the cold and grey of winter. I also love the idea of being connected to ALL people during this season. Whether it's the Middle East, Russia, China, Europe or Africa .... THIS is the time of reflection and celebration.
Bring it on!
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