
Christmas Magic

I LOVE a good show. I LOVE the presentation of the performance. Whether its big or small. From a Broadway production to a small wedding. I find every detail important... EVERY. And I place high expectations on these 'events'. Maybe it's because I was born into a family of actors. Or the fact that I spent 9 years of my life as a community theater actress myself. Or maybe it's because I am a perfectionist. Whatever it is I love the magic and pretend of a 'show'. This is one of the reasons I was so disappointed in our Visit with Santa.

I feel like this is my first "official" Christmas as a mom...because this is the first Christmas that Braden really GETS what is going on. No matter how much of a fuss we made each year, decorated, went to see Santa (courtesy of Grandma) baked or sang carols they all came and went without much notice from Braden. Not that he wasn't excited to get presents. But he just didn't understand the whole thing.

This year however is DIFFERENT story. He is ALL over Christmas. From singing Jingle Bells and Away in a Manger to Christmas parties and putting up the tree. He remembers his Advent calendar each night and talks about Santa all the time.

So of course I feel the pressure to have a great presentation. I don't mean the perfect decorations, or a fancy meal. But I do mean the "big reveal" in the morning. To have all the presents under the tree and his stocking stuffed and laying by his bed.

I can remember so clearly my Christmas mornings as a child. Waking up at dawn and finding my stocking by my bed. Running down the hall to my cousin's room. Then the three of us would open our stockings and chew the bubble gum (which came in said stocking) and wait until 7 when we were legally able to get our parents out of bed. Coming down the stairs, the house still dark. I would get SO excited (who doesn't) see all the presents for us 4 kids sitting under the tree. I would run over and plug the lights in and just stare up at it.... in awe.

As I got older and realized that my parents (and Aunt & Uncle) were the ones behind the whole thing I was amazed to find that I never found ANY 'clues'. I never saw the gifts, the wrapping paper, receipts, shopping bags.... NOTHING... it was perfectly orchestrated. I had this image of my parents having everything done on time. Gifts bought and wrapped and hidden in their 'secret' spot. NOT the way I have been winging it for the past few weeks. Stashing things under beds and in the attic, behind clothes in the closets. I feel everything has been slap dash. And the more I think of it, this is probably the way it was for my parents too. I blissfully slept through all the assembly and wrapping. Unaware of the chaos that in sued late nights.

Tonight I said to Mason " we are those people... you know, like on the commercial staying up late putting toys together doing last minute wrapping".... he said "yeah... isn't it great!?"

Yes indeedy! I wouldn't want it any other way!

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