
the zoo at last

The weather is nice and cool here today, so in honor of T's birthday and our usual Friends Fun Fridays we went to the zoo. The kids (including Tristan) had a great time.

The zoo here is under a HUGE expansion and construction project. The first phase has already been completed, which is the new entrance and gift shop. When I first walked in I got very excited... it was beautiful... but the beauty quickly faded. The Abilene Zoo has a lot of potential but its building and expansion has got caught up in red tape... I know someday that the inside will match the outside... and I am sad that we won't be here to see that.
So today we adopted two Zebras for Christmas gifts for my Aunt Karen and Uncle John. Grantie (AK) made Braden a Zebra costume for Halloween and he thought it would be only fitting to return the favor :-)

side note: Am I worried that my aunt will get her surprised ruined? Nah... she never reads the blog !
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