This past weekend I ran away for a girls vacation in Fort Worth with my BFF Melissa. It was AWESOME. We had a blast running around being silly. At one point we got to talking about smoking (which Melissa does) and I asked her if she knew about American Spirit cigarettes. She had never heard of these additive free smokes. So we found a fancy tobacco/cigar/wine store that sold them. I thought we would grab the traditional blue pack and be off, but when we got there we were faced with about 8 different choices. The guy behind the counter dutifully read them off... non-filters, regulars, lites, ultra-lights, menthol regulars, menthol lights blah blah blah... then the magic word Organic regulars.... WHAT?!! then Organic Lights!
We were all over that.... a picture was a must and Melissa demanded that I put it on the blog. The guy behind the counter must have thought we were absolutely NUTS! It was hilarious! So here it is, the promised picture of me looking like a total nerd with my organic tabacco cigarettes, which BTW Melissa said that she loved! Plus I enjoyed not having to smell that horrible chemical smell... she could sit right next to me and it didn't smell at all! Bonus!!!

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