... the planet is just fine!"
Yeah... you heard me... the planet is just fine. Earth has been around for a couple billion years and will continue to be around for another billion or so.
"So why are we trying to save the planet? "
"Good question Chuck... I am glad that you asked"
We are trying to save the planet so we (as humans) can continue to live on it.
Let me elaborate: No species ever remains on Earth forever... from viruses, to insects (cockroach excluded) to dinosaurs nothing and nobody is permanent. Earth has been working hard for a while to wipe us out, and we have been helping her.
Yes, we have certainly done our fair share of using up whatever we wanted and throwing the packaging out the car window... Before crude oil there was whale blubber... we nearly wiped out all the whales. 100, nay even 50 years ago it was considered wasteful, practically sinful to throw out ANYTHING... everything was reused or repaired. Today no one saves at all... new radios, new TVs, new cars, new blenders, new measuring cups, new dog toys, new curtains, new comforter.... new clothes!
All of our manufacturing, consuming and wasting has taken its toll on the environment. But that is okay... Earth doesn't mind. She is busy killing things off. From tornadoes, tidal waves, earthquakes.... plus diseases such as smallpox (yes its still around), malaria, and AIDS are killing off humans faster as we can find cures... and when we do find cures we use that up too! We've totally F#&%-up penicillin. What was once a life saving medicine has now been so overused that now we have superbugs to deal with.
Yes, Earth is doing what she does best, and we are blindly helping her. Saving our environment means saving US from extinction. In order for us to last on this planet we need to keep it hospitable for US... which means, clean air, clean water, rainforest preservation, saving trees and saving the ________ (fill in animal name) etc etc etc. All of these things work in harmony to maintain a delicate balance that is VITAL to US.
So the next time you roll your eyes at another person who is talking about sustainable farming, using cloth bags (instead of plastic), low emissions on cars, alternative fuels and (yes) baby seals - look at the big picture, Earth aside... how important to you is the continuation of the human species? How do you picture your children, grandchildren, their children living?
No man is an island. And if we all want to survive we have to help each other out.... Earth included.
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