
Future Self

One of the reasons I LOVE that "Future Dwight" clip is because I am a HUGE time travel nut/fan/nerd.

This whole obsession probably started after I watched "My Mother Was Never A Kid" after school one day.

I will watch ANY movie that has ANYTHING to do with time travel... ANY movie... no matter what kind of horrible reviews it gets. I have seen everything from "Bill and Ted's..." "The Butterfly Effect" "Sphere" " Clockstoppers" "Frequency" "Donnie Darko" "Dream Catcher" "Event Horizon" "Minority Report" "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home " "Timecop" "Both Terminators" "Both Planet of the Apes" "Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban" "Twelve Monkeys " "Sleeper" "Groundhog Day" " The Lake House" "Premonition" "Peggy Sue Got Married" "Flight of the Navigator" to "Primer" (which btw, will blow your mind).................

Well, you get the point.

And Yes... I have seen both "Time Machine" movies and read the book. Not only did I see all the Back to the Future movies in the theater, BUT I watched ALL 3 DVDs with ALL the extra footage PLUS watching the movies over and over again with the different commentaries!


Now, where was I? "Oh yes! Future Self"

I discovered my future self this past year. Most likely because I have been spending so much time by myself that she is my only company... even though I cannot see her. Sometimes she exists in the future and sometimes I exist as her.

I can remember when I first realized that I was "living" with this other "person". I was doing laundry and I bent down to open the dryer. I though to myself "please please let there be NO clothes in here, let it be empty." And it was! I rejoiced and quickly thanked my (past)self for giving me (presentself) a hand. "Right on" .

But shes not always that nice. One morning I woke up to a filthy kitchen, none of the dishes had been done and there were no spoons for breakfast. Oh! I was so mad. How could she do this too me! How could I do this to myself?

I am constantly thinking about Future Self. How to make her happy. I try to be alert, not lazy, making sure everything that can be done NOW doesn't get left for LATER. Because if she is happy then everyone is happy. A happy Future Self is a better friend and mom. Pastself will just have to deal with it!

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