
like a ton of bricks

This afternoon we went to a birthday party. Braden is very good friends with the little girl(Salem) and I am very good friends with the mom (Leah).

During the happy birthday song I started to cry... I looked around at Leah, Deanna and La Rae then I looked at their children. Braden's friends... his first friends and it hit me like a ton of bricks.... We are leaving .... we won't be here forever... We won't be able to spend year after year celebrating birthdays with each other... growing and learning laughing and praying...

My friends I have made here are VERY special to me. I feel close and connected to them. And I know (although he can't articulate it yet) Braden feels the same way... he can't remember anything else. There has always been a Salem Lane & Maeghyn. They have been teachers to him also. Learning to share, and to be gentle... learning to be patient and kind.

My wanderlust has ceased.... oh, if I could slow time down... just enough to be able to fit it all in....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bummer. I HATE thinking about this. First Shannon and then you? BLECH. Leah