After a VERY LONG week...I was emailing Mason, who also had a horrible week in the desert. And as I wrote I realized there is a lot to live for. So I typed down a few things off the top of my head that make life worth living... on a day to day scale.... thought I would share the list with you all.
Ice Cream
The Office Psych, any dancing show, Seinfeld
Picking Braden up from school ( big smile and hello)
Having a great conversation where I feel like I really connect with Mason, or dad, or a friend
Getting comments on my blog
Good stand-up comedy
A great movie
A delicious meal with a perfect wine
Did I mention Ice cream
Sleeping in
A perfect day at the beach
T giving me kisses
The perfect song, while driving around with the windows down
The feeling I get when I drive into St Louis and see the arch
Dancing with my husband
A hug
Snuggling with my the kids or Mason
A perfectly organized closet
Private swimming pools
Mmmm... Good ones. I don't need to to snuggle with Mason though.
Can I tell you what a pain it is to have to purchase enough wines to find that perfect wine for my meal?!
Here's a couple of mine.
Walking outside in the morning knowing it's going to be a beautiful (not too hot) day
Feeling refreshed after having people over for dinner (That doesn't happen every time, you know.)
Laying in perfectly green, soft grass with no bugs
Having all the laundry done!
Izzy's scratchy voice
The little "I love you, mom" 's from my kids with out asking for them
Ben telling me "Take your time. I'll put the kids to bed."
Eating freshly popped popcorn with Ben and watching a movie together.
Clean carpets
I have to say that the joy from seeing my kiddos faces light up when they 1st see me when I pick them up from school/church/anywhere I have left them is one of the most rewarding things ever...if I could bottle it, I'd be a gazillionaire!!!!
Love & Hugs,
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