My first Christmas
catalog came in the mail yesterday. LL Bean - we have not bought anything from LL Bean for almost 6 or 7 years... but each year (without fail) we
receive 4-6 catalogs from them....And they were first in line this year.... making sure I hadn't forgotten that Christmas is just 104 days away...
just 1/3 of the year left people... come on! Hop to it! They are offering free shipping!
I totally agree with you, Julia. I think even the thought of christmas at this moment and time is so ridiculous. It's way too early in the year to think about that.
I totally agree with you, Julia. I think even the thought of christmas at this moment and time is so ridiculous. It's way too early in the year to think about that.
I got one too!! And I have never ordered anything from LL Bean. Don't think I will start Xmas shopping any time soon.
I threw mine away 2 days ago. The last thing I bought from Bean was Owen's backpack last summer. That means I'll get catalouguesuntil he's 11! Yikes!
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